Cwa Centurylink Contract 2020

The Communication Workers of America (CWA) represents nearly 700,000 workers in various industries across the United States. And recently, the organization has been in negotiations with CenturyLink, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the country, over a new contract for its members.

The current CWA-CenturyLink contract is set to expire in August 2020, and the negotiations for a new one have been ongoing for several months. Both parties have been discussing a variety of issues, including wages, benefits, and job security.

One of the major sticking points in the negotiations is the outsourcing of jobs. The CWA has been pushing for language in the new contract that would limit the company`s ability to outsource jobs to other countries or contract out work to third-party companies. The union argues that outsourcing takes away jobs from American workers and can have a ripple effect on local economies.

Another issue on the table is healthcare. The CWA has been calling for better healthcare benefits for its members, including lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs. The union also wants to ensure that existing benefits are maintained and not reduced in any way.

Wages have also been a point of contention. The CWA is pushing for higher wages for its members, arguing that many employees of CenturyLink are not making a living wage. The union is asking for a significant increase in pay across the board, as well as a minimum wage for all workers.

The negotiations have been ongoing, and both sides have expressed a desire to reach a fair and mutually beneficial agreement. However, the clock is ticking, and with the current contract set to expire in just a few months, the pressure is on to come to a resolution soon.

It remains to be seen what the final contract will look like, but both the CWA and CenturyLink have a lot at stake. For the CWA, it`s about protecting the rights and interests of its members, while for CenturyLink, it`s about remaining competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

Regardless of the outcome, the CWA-CenturyLink contract negotiations will have far-reaching implications for both the telecommunications industry and American workers as a whole. As the negotiations continue, it`s important to keep a close eye on the developments and to stay informed about the issues at stake.

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